The Supply Chaney Podcast

Ep. 13 - Supply Chain Media & Events

Nathan Chaney Season 1 Episode 13

Our guest today is Gary Master, CEO of @AGiLE Business Media & Events.

We start the episode learning how Gary had hopes of using his economics degree to run the Fed but ended up taking part time job with a supply chain consulting firm that he worked at and eventually took over and ran for a number of years.  He and some partners noticed a lack of media coverage for distribution centers and teamed up to start a media company centered around DCs, in the middle of a recession!

Other topics covered include the challenges and opportunities in the changing landscape of media and events, including the shift from print to digital, measuring marketing impact, the need for speed (and accuracy) in media communication with a cautionary note about AI in media.  Gary revealed that his most memorable conference moment was when Pfizer spoke about what it took to distribute Covid-19 vaccines: "Some people didn't get toilet paper. Some people didn't get their wipes when they needed it, but we did it. The vaccinations went out."